Top 40+ kotlin Interview Questions & Answers 2021 UPDATED
- Post by MimariSol Admin
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- November 14, 2022
This feature eliminates the need for separate assignments and allows for a more expressive and streamlined coding style. By defining an extension, you do not insert new members into a class, but merely make new functions callable with the dot-notation on variables of this type. The class Box can hold a value of type T, which is determined when an instance of Box is created. In Kotlin, you can create a generic class to work with different types of data in a flexible and type-safe manner. A generic class allows you to define a placeholder type that is determined when an instance of the class is created. The sum variable is a lambda expression representing the addition operation.
The route function within the DSL adds routes to the MockServerDSL instance. List is an interface that provides read-only access to a collection of elements. The List interface provides operations like accessing elements by index, checking size, iterating over elements, and more. In this example, the name property is declared with lateinit as it will be initialized later in the initializeName function.
When using generic builders, you can omit type arguments thanks to builder inference. This initialization method is used when you do not want to initialize a variable in the constructor but instead want to initialize it later. Accessing a member with a null reference will cause a null reference exception, one of the most frequent pitfalls in many programming languages, including Java.
In Kotlin, the main motive of the type system is to eliminate the danger of null references from code. If you want to throw NullPointerException when the variable’s value is null, you can use the null check or !! That’s because Kotlin allows multiple inheritances for classes, and an open class is more expensive than a final class. By removing the constructor keyword, you can get code that is simplified and easy to understand. By caching the intermediate results in fibCache, the function avoids redundant calculations and significantly improves performance.
In this example, ObservableProperty is a class that implements property delegation. Every time the property’s value is changed, it calls the onChange callback. In Kotlin, the Standard Library provides several utilities and functions for working with properties.
Kotlin has improved syntax for declaring variables and defining functions, as well as support for features such as type inference and extensions. This can make it easier to write and read Kotlin code, as well as reduce the amount of code needed to accomplish the same tasks as Java. Kotlin is a statically typed programming language designed specifically for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). As such, you can use it to write Android applications, as it provides several benefits over Java, including enhanced readability and increased code safety. Its popularity for Android applications prompts an entire category for Kotlin interview questions Android developers should know. The Kotlin standard library provides a number of functions and properties for working with strings, including string templates and string formatting.
This can make your code easier to read and understand and help you avoid callback hell. Type-safe builders in Kotlin are a powerful feature that allows you to create domain-specific languages (DSLs) for building complex object structures in a concise and type-safe manner. It provides a way to define a DSL with a specific set of operations and constraints, enabling a more declarative and intuitive way of constructing objects or defining configurations. Java also has a similar feature in the form of anonymous inner classes. These are classes that are defined and used in a single expression, and they can be used to reduce the overhead of object creation and method invocation.
Kotlin Multiplatform is a feature that allows you to share code between different platforms, such as JVM, JavaScript (JS), and Native (iOS, Android, Windows, macOS). Dynamic proxies are useful for intercepting and handling method invocations dynamically. However, they should be used thoughtfully, as they may have performance implications. Classes and interfaces are essential for creating well-structured and reusable code in Kotlin. An infix function is used to call the function without using any bracket or parenthesis. Similar to Java, Kotlin, too, has bitwise operations like or, and, xor, and left and right shifts.
Keep scrolling to explore the world of Kotlin Interview Questions. Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language which runs on the JVM. It can be compiled either using Java source code and LLVM compiler. Here are Kotlin interview questions and answers for freshers as well as experienced senior developer candidates to get their dream job. In an interview, it’s crucial to be able to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.
The runBlocking coroutine builder is used to create a coroutine scope, and the launch function is used to launch a new coroutine. The code executes sequentially, and the delay in fetchData does not block the main thread. In this example, the removeSpaces function is defined as an extension function for the String class.
You should declare that variable with lateinit keyword to guarantee the initialization, not before using it. You cannot use lateinit for primitive type properties like Int, Long, etc. If it is null, then null will be returned otherwise it will return the desired value. In this example, multiple coroutines are launched concurrently using async and awaitAll. Each coroutine introduces a delay of 1000 milliseconds, prints a message, and returns its index. The awaitAll function waits for all coroutines to complete and returns their results.
Android | Kotlin | Compass – Implement the compass functionality in the location-based application. This operator should be used in cases where the developer is 100% sure that its value is not null. It provides the facility to compile it directly to bytecode that helps to achieve faster compile-time and makes no difference between Java and Kotlin for JVM. In Kotlin, we don’t have a ternary operator like Java, but we can use the functionality of the ternary operator by using if-else or Elvis operator.